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Nextcloud / Salesforce Sync for Documents

Mathias Conradt


Did you know that you can sync files in Nextcloud to Salesforce and vice-versa? Yes, it’s possible. Why would you want that?

Well, Nextcloud offers a convenient desktop sync and mobile clients with the ability to edit documents online — directly in the web browser and with multiple users at the same time. This comes in handy when working on RfI or proposal documents with the entire sales team. No file locking conflicts, no file exchange back and forth via email, and everybody is on the same page.

Furthermore, Nextcloud offers an integrated fulltext search based on ElasticSearch and OCR support for images, which can be utilized as well.

Nextcloud offers two web-based office solutions: OnlyOffice and Collabora Online. Both web-based office solutions as well as Nextcloud are open source.

To achieve the Salesforce-Nextcloud sync, you need to enable CloudHQ within Salesforce and register for an account at The free trial allows for 2GB of space. You can decide which items of Salesforce you want to sync to Nextcloud, everything or only documents related to opportunities, etc.

The sync is using Nextcloud’s WebDAV interface via https. In the configuration, you define the two endpoints.

CloudHQ Sync Configuration

Once the sync is up and running, you are informed of all sync events in the log.

CloudHQ event log

You will see the documents within Salesforce…

Salesforce Opportunity Details View

…as well as within Nextcloud:

Files sync to Nextcloud (Nextcloud File Explorer)



Mathias Conradt

Cybersecurity Professional | Staff Solutions Engineer at Snyk | DevSecCon Germany Chapter Lead | Motorbiker & MotoGP Fan | Tactical & Stealth Gamer